Dance/Movement Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities:Dance therapists work with adults and children who are suffering symptoms including depression, anxiety, physical/psychiatric/neurological disorders, learning difficulties, dementia, autism, behavioral problems or congenital/emotional problems.
Salary:Average earnings for dance/movement therapists are generally higher because entry into the profession requires a higher level of education. In 2004, the average earnings of dance/movement therapists generally ranged closer to $40,000 - $50,000 a year, with some earning $60,000 - $80,000 a year or more.
Education:The Registered-Dance/Movement Therapist (R-DMT) represents attainment of a basic level of competence, signifying both the first level of entry into the profession and the individual's preparedness for employment as a dance/movement therapist within a clinical and/or educational setting.
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Why? Why Not? this would not the one of the career path ways that i would choose to be apart of there is a different path that i choose