Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A) what you liked about the class and the things you didn't like about it? I like this class because it gave me the privilege to use the computer. The things that I didn't like about the class is that I couldn't touch the computer during timeout time and another one was that i didn't like the time outs
B) List suggestions for improving the class? Let the students do what ever they want , but if they are doing things that they aren't suppose to do don't let them use the computer anymore or just for that day.
C) Answer Did you really do your best in this class? I really tried my best for this class i did every thing i'm suppose to do
D) Answer are you reading your life planning 100+ goals daily for at least two minuets? Explain I do not read they everyday i only read them when i am in Mr. Haymore class

My Showcase Experience
Me and my team presented very well we were looking at our audience speaking fluently. there was a lot of work that had to be done when we were working on our projects. There were some of our group members that wouldn't do any of there work that is why it was hard for us during the evaluation to give that group member a low score because we didn't want to be mean but we had to because it's not fair that, that person didn't do their work and they get full credit that is why that we decided to give that person a low score.
Student Success Statement
"When I do good,
I feel good.   
When I do bad,  
I feel bad."     

Abraham Lincoln

when you do a good thing for someone you tend to feel good about yourself. when you do something in which case is bad you feel

Monday, December 15, 2014

You Are In Charge
"take responsibility
for your own body,
mind, and spirit, for
 your own physical,
      mental, and
     spiritual well-
           Mr. haymore
this is telling us to keep are selves well and keep our body,mind,and spirit clean that is what my teacher Mr. haymore is trying to say

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Student Success Statement
"we need the courage to start and
continue what we should do, and the
courage to stop what we shouldn't do"
Richard L. Evans
This Quote means is that we need to gain courage to begin something that is good and if it is something that is wrong we shouldn't do it

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

there was a little boy named Patrick that went camping with his parents and they told him to always put on his shoes so they can protect him form snakes, scorpions, and thorns. then he decided to go for a walk he was about to put on his shoes until the he decided to where flip flops and then took his walk. while he was walking he felt something poke his ankle he thought it was a thorn but which turned out to be a scorpion he then fell to the ground holding the top of his leg so that he can stop the pain then he started to scream for his parents they the heard him got him and put him in the car to take him to the nearest hospital which was 2 hours away. he was able to get to the hospital and they gave him a shot that numbs his leg and so he can't feel anymore pain.
Student Success Statement

"Always do right."
Mark Twain
what this quote is trying to say is for somebody to always do the right thing like if they broke something don't lie about it tell the truth and then you will feel good about you have done.

Friday, December 5, 2014

When you tell one lie it leads to another
Paul Hatch
When you tell one lie, it leads to another                               So you lie and lie without even trying
  so you tell two lies to cover each other                                        And each lie you tell will keep
Then you tell three lies and, Oh brother,                                                     multiplying
      You're in trouble up to tour ears!                                     'Till the whole wide world will know
    so you tell four lies to try protect you                                                       you're lying
Then you tell five lies so folks won't respect                                               Then you'll be
                                 you                                                                                      suspected
    Then you tell six lies and you'll collect                                                          Detected
        A life filled with worries and fears                                                             Rejected
'Cause you can't remember how many lies                                                      Neglected
                            You've told                                                                                Disliked
   And half the things you say aren't true
And sometime you'll slip up, you''l trip up
                            and then
         Whatever will become of you ?
Student Success Statement

" When You Tell One Lie,
it leads to another
Paul Hatch
Always speak the truth

Reflection: people lie that what leads into causing many problems that is people shouldn't lie special your kids. then they turn into liars 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Student Success Statement
1. can people trust me to do
what's right? I think people
can trust me to the thing
that are right.
2. Am i committed to doing
my very best? I work hard
and i try my best to do what 
needs to be done.
3. do i treat others the way
i want to be treated? i do                              Lou Holtz
treat them nice but some
people are just jerks.

" if the answers to these
questions are YES, there is
no way you can fail.
Diagnostic Radiologist
Duties and Responsibilities:The most common tool a radiologist uses is the X-ray. An X-ray is an image taken by using a machine to beam radiation through a patient's body onto a radiation-sensitive plate after carefully covering other portions of the patient's body with lead shields. Radiologists normally employ radiological technicians to do the actual X-ray photography, but they are trained in the photography process as well.
Salary:$273,980 for radiologists
Education: fully-licensed medical doctors, they must undergo a minimum of 11 years of education, beginning with a bachelor's degree that is heavily weighted toward biology and physics requirements, such as a premedical degree. After completing the Medical College Admission Test and being admitted, prospective radiologists must complete four years of medical school in an accredited medical program. During this period, a prospective radiologist must sit for two United States Medical Licensing Examinations by the National Board of Medical Examiners. 
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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? why? why not? i think that i would like to be apart of a different career pathway this isn't what i want to become

Monday, December 1, 2014

Student Success Statement
                     Physical Fitness
" Physical fitness is not only one of the
most important keys to a healthy body,
it is basis of dynamic and creative
intellectual activity. The relationship
between the soundness of the body and
the activities of the mind is subtle and
complex. Much is not yet understood.
  But we do know what the Greeks
knew: that intelligence and skill can
  only function at the peak of their
capacity when the body is healthy and 

President John F. Kennedy
Duties and responsibilities:Dermatologists specialize in preventing, diagnosing, and treating skin diseases and conditions. Examples of common conditions that they treat include acne, dandruff, and skin cancer. Some dermatologists also perform procedures to improve the appearance of the skin, such as decreasing signs of aging or improving skin tone. These procedures include botox and collagen injections.
salary:Dermatologist salaries can vary depending on your experience, the location, company, industry, and benefits provided. Nationwide, most dermatologists make between $112,000 - $166,400+ per year, or $53.86 - $80+ per hour.
Education:Formal training in dermatology doesn't begin until after graduation, though the American Academy of Dermatology provides a series of self-learning modules for medical students who wish to grasp the basics of the discipline. Medical school graduates must spend one year's internship in general medical practice, before completing a three-year residency in dermatology. Residency provides the newly-minted doctor with opportunities to learn dermatological diagnosis and treatment under the supervision and mentorship of experienced practitioners. 
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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one?why? why not? this wouldn't be the kind of medical career pathway i would be part of because this pathway is about the skin i want to go in a different path